Louisville Estate - William T. Baker | Award-Winning Classical Residential Designer
Portfolio / Georgian Homes
Architectural Rendering by William T. Baker & Associates

Architectural Rendering by William T. Baker & Associates

Louisville Estate

The land around Louisville, Kentucky is particularly attractive with its limestone outcroppings thick with the black locust and cedar trees so characteristic of its wooded forests. Sited on a large tract of land on a hill with horizon views, this Georgian house following the grand traditions of this favorite style of American architecture. The large trees on the property were carefully preserved to frame the house and lend scale to the new structure, giving it an instant sense of history.

The façade of the house is clad in wood-molded brick and hand-carved limestone. These fine materials give the house a quiet elegance and quality typical of the Georgian style. The concave corners of the front porch required the stone carver to exhibit an extra level of skill as he carved the dentil moldings around the curve. The home’s main cornice is highly articulated with dentils and is proportioned for the scale of this grand house.

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Entering the foyer, one passes through a mahogany door with leaded glass transom and sidelights. Each leaded panel makes use of cast-lead ornamentation in imitation of 18th-century examples. The elliptical two-story foyer with its curved staircase creates a dramatic sense of entry. On axis with the foyer is the dining room. Fluted pilasters with Corinthian capitals line the wall and frame the beautiful hand-painted floral scenes on the walls. Shell niches provide ample display space for the family’s china and silver.

Behind the house lies an expansive lawn with an oval pool. A rose garden provides the house with fresh flowers throughout the summer months. Designed for outdoor living, the twin limestone porches are a favorite retreat in the summer and adjoin the large terrace with its bubbling fountain. Completing the effect is the oval pool, which defines the edge of the lawn and looks beyond to the western horizon.

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